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34 Years and Counting!

In honor of my 34th birthday I’m sharing some fun facts about myself to help you get to know me better!  I always love reading these about other people so I thought it would be fun to share these with you!

1) I have a tattoo of the scripture Philippians 4:13.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  This scripture has saved my life and helped me in so many ways throughout my life.

2) I have played the piano for 3 years and I love how it takes my mind to another place.  It’s a wonderful mental escape.

3) I struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and have had to overcome a lot of mental torment from the disorder.  I’m in a much better place now thanks to a lot of great help.

4) I have two sisters and a brother and we all have different eye colors.  Dark brown, hazel, bright blue and green.

5) For years I avoided doing anything that caused me discomfort or anxiety and now I have a rule to live as though fear doesn’t exist.

6) I am bothered by rude people and live by the phrase ‘Do unto others’.

7) I embrace each birthday and love getting older!  It’s a privilege to grow older that not everyone gets to have.

8) I had skin grafting in my mouth when I was 19 because I brush my teeth so hard that my gums receded too much.  Oops!

9) When I was a very little girl I would put on my mom’s apron and heels, grab a stool and wash the dishes at the sink.  I dreamed of being a mother and wife and taking care of a family.

10) I sing nonstop around the house and always have.  When I was little my brother would yell, “Mom, Kim’s singing again!”  And get so annoyed.  Let’s hope I don’t drive my husband that crazy too!  😜

11) Hot Cheetos smothered in steamy hot nacho cheese is my favorite guilty pleasure and I’m not allowed to ever have it again… so says my trainer 🙄

12) My favorite foods are sushi and Italian.

13) Favorite desserts are Creme brûlée, vanilla ice cream with two shots of Amaretto, or a warm chocolate chip cookie.

15) I love the beach and dream of retiring in Newport, where I can smell and feel the ocean air everyday, and enjoy the view.

16) Aside from having a family, I always wanted to be an opera singer when I grew up.  I would settle for just being Céline Dion 😉

17) I have the worst guilt conscience ever and can’t do the wrong thing.

18) I hope one day I can have a platform big enough to help other people suffering with debilitating OCD.  Even if I can help one person it’ll be worth it!

19) I hope that my fitness videos inspire others to begin and maintain a healthful lifestyle.

20) I had my nose done 7 years ago and I am so glad I did.  I haven’t ever liked the appearance of my natural nose and now it’s not a bother to me.

21) Until mid 2019 I didn’t ever work out at all.  In fact, I despised the gym.  Things have changed!

22) Putting on makeup is my version of meditation and I find it so soothing.

23) I have a cosmetology license but never ended up working in a salon.  Life happened and God had different plans for me!

24) I have embarrassed myself many times by saying things without thinking first.  My husband has nicknamed these comments “Kim-isms” and loves to share them with people when we are at dinner, which I hate!

25) I avoid red wine or any dark beverages because my teeth soak up the color so bad!

26) My husband, Mike, and I have a 14 year age gap but we never notice.

27) When I was younger I totaled two cars, each time was from either texting or talking on my cell phone.  Listen to the warnings!

28) I love decorating and remodeling my home.

29) I love to draw but haven’t had the time lately…  I miss it!

30) My husband used to be my boss… and he fired me!

31) I believe that manifestation and positive thoughts will help you follow your dreams and achieve anything you put your mind to!


Love Always,




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  1. Happy Birthday, Kim!
    I loved reading your birthday post, and learning things about you that I didn’t know before. 🙂
    Have a wonderful day!
    Love you!

  2. I really enjoyed this post! I love learning more about people. I can relate to a lot of the things you do, especially with debilitating OCD, and I often talk before I think, which keeps my friends in stitches. 🤣
    Keep up on the piano, working out, and singing your way through life. You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you my friend!
    Debbie XO