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The Perfect Post Workout Protein Shake


(These are so cozy and soft I have several colors)

Hello there guys and happy Sunday!  I hope everyone had an awesome week!  Mine was great but it flew by super fast.  We’ve all heard a hundred times that exercise gives you endorphins, which leads to a happier state of mind, and I have to admit that it’s true.  I’ve been so happy lately and have been super pumped every day.  Watching my body change before my eyes and seeing my fat melt and muscles grow is so rewarding and exciting!

I had my son 5 years ago and have been unhappy with my body ever since.  That’s a long time to walk around not feeling your best.  Over the past few weeks I’ve watched and felt my body gain strength and my self esteem grow.  I’m finally happy with my body, but the journey has only just begun.

It takes an army to accomplish the goals I have in mind.  My trainer pushes me on the days when I’m doubting myself, my family supports me and reminds me why I’m doing this, and I’ve seen tons of videos and photos online that have inspired me to kick ass!  My point being, I would love to do anything I can to help inspire others or share some tips and tricks that I’m learning along the way.  I share workout videos in my insta stories so you can implement them at home, and I love to share recipes to help guide your healthy eating journey.

Here is my PERFECT post workout protein smoothie that I actually really enjoy and look forward to.  I hope you try it and enjoy it also!

This Magic Bullet by Nutri Bullet is a must for me.  It’s the perfect size for one or two shakes and you can drink right out of it, and wash it easily since it’s compact.


Almond milk as your base

Handful of ice

1 tbsp. of almond butter

1-2 scoops of protein powder.  I use 1 scoop of this Promix Indonesian Vanilla Protein Powder.  Chocolate would be delicious too!

2 crumbled belVita crackers.  I love blueberry or cinnamon.  

1/2 a banana for potassium, to avoid post workout cramping.

You can add a few blueberries or strawberries for flavor if you choose.  I never do, I love the taste as is!

Blend in NutriBullet and enjoy.  I use reusable silicone straws like these or these giant elephant straws here since it’s a little thick.  (I swear they are my kids so don’t judge me, but I secretly love them!) 😉 


I usually have super busy mornings, so I have to wake up, shower and apply makeup first thing.  Then, take photos or shoot a video for my blog or instagram.  Kids wake up so I take care of them.  Next, it’s time for my workout!  Immediately following, I whip up this shake and rewash my body while sipping this super cold, refreshing shake and it feels so wonderful.  It’s the perfect way to relax my body and mind while feeding my muscles post workout, plus the warm shower is a great place to stretch your muscles again.  What’s your post workout ritual?

Thanks for reading.  XO

Love Always, Kimberly

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