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The Do’s & Don’ts of Getting Into the Fitness Lifestyle

If you follow my Instagram, you’ll notice a HUGE shift in content lately.  I began training about 6 weeks ago or so.  My trainer told me that I have a great build for a fitness bikini competition and asked if I had ever considered training for one.  To be honest, the thought hadn’t even remotely crossed my mind.  It wasn’t even slightly on my radar.  I’m not one to turn down an opportunity, so immediately I said, absolutely, I would love to!  Although this fitness lifestyle is still new, I’ve already learned some helpful tips.  I hope they help inspire you to workout, to push you, to help you remain strong… and help you to understand what lies ahead if this is the path that you choose.  The number one thing I can suggest is getting a strong support system.  It’s very hard to stay dedicated to working out without a partner in crime to hold you accountable.  If they live with you, that’s even better.

Here are my do’s and don’ts of stepping into the fitness lifestyle.  Some may seem simple, but sometimes it’s easier said than done.


  • When trying out a new restaurant, read the menu online first and decide what you’re going to eat in advance.  This will help avoid giving in to last minute cravings and sometimes we loosen up on our diet once the alcohol starts flowing.  Choose less sugary drinks and don’t give in to those desserts!  I’m just going to be real here…  I’m a junk food junkie and I would eat sweets all day every day if I could.  It feels painful to pass on them sometimes, heck, every time, but its so worth it to pass!
  • Don’t do cheat days.  Do cheat meals once a week.  A cheat day is just not worth it.  You work so hard to lose the weight and eat properly, you don’t want to ruin it with a WHOLE cheat day.  Rather, once a week, have a reasonable cheat meal.  My favorite is something that includes a mashed potato with gravy,  or a fish with a chardonnay butter sauce.  Or a chocolate chip cookie, or a huge bowl of guacamole with chips.  But only one time per week if you’ve truly earned it.  Otherwise, it’s not worth it and you’ll just have to work that much harder to burn it off.
  • This one is simple.  Eat before you go to an event if you are unsure of the menu or if there are only greasy finger foods being served.  Don’t waste your hard work and sweat on snacks that you’ll forget about by morning.
  • MY FAVORITE Make sure you get in your rest days.  They’re just as important as working out.  Your muscles need time to rebuild and grow!
  • Find inspiration pictures of your end goals and keep them in sight.  Mine was a picture of Celine Dion’s legs.  Her legs are incredibly defined and sexy.  I showed the picture to my trainer when I began and said this is what I want!  You need to be sure you are in line with your trainer’s views for your body also.
  • Take weekly/monthly update photos of yourself.  Nothing lights a fire under you like watching your hard work start to pay off!
  • Remember to LOVE YOURSELF & give yourself credit for how hard you’ve worked and for how far you’ve come.  Be your biggest cheer leader!
  • Cut the negative people out of your life & focus your positive energy on your new fitness lifestyle.  It can be draining some days, so keep everyone who sucks the life out of you, or brings you down, far away!
  • If you’re eating a lot of protein you may need to take a fiber supplement as well!  I use this one and mix it in with my water once a day.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re not seeing results as soon as you had hoped.  Remember, it is a process and as long as you are eating for fuel rather than to satisfy cravings, and you are getting your workouts in, IT WILL HAPPEN!  Check back on those progress photos, maybe you’ve already begun having changes that you didn’t even realize!

Thanks for reading! XO

Love Always,


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