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The Only Frosting Recipe You’ll Ever Need!


Well hello ladies!!!  I hope y’all are having an amazing day!  I’m not from the South, but I love to throw a y’all in there wherever I get the chance. 😊 I am having a serious cookie craving today, can you tell?  I have a major sweet tooth and my biggest weakness is a frosted cookie.  Can I get an Amen ladies?!  I want to share a recipe with you that my Aunt has made since I was a little girl.  Every time we know we’re going to see her we still beg her to make “the cookies with the special frosting”.  Not only is this nostalgic, it truly is tasty!  The flavor is so well balanced and the lemon keeps it from being too sweet.  So here is my super simple and incredibly delicious homemade frosting recipe.  It’s super good for your soul and just terrible for your thighs!  I know cookies and frosting aren’t healthy no matter which way you slice it, but I feel better when I use organic ingredients and natural food coloring.  Of course you can feel free to use whatever works best for you.  I mix all of the ingredients below in a bowl and spread the frosting onto your cookies.  Add the sprinkles as you frost each cookie so they will adhere before the frosting gets a little firm.  So easy and super addictive!

2 cups of powdered sugar

1/2 stick of melted organic unsalted butter

1 tbsp. organic milk or almond milk

1/2 tbsp. fresh squeezed organic lemon juice (helps balance out the sweetness)

1 tsp. organic almond extract

1 tsp. organic vanilla extract

Add natural food coloring of your choice

Dig in and enjoy!  Everything in moderation right?!

Love Always,



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