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Ab Exercises That I Swear By!

For years I have been hiding my stomach and been so embarrassed of my saggy, stretched out, mom belly button.  Finally, for the first time in a long time, I feel proud of my stomach and it feels great to stop hiding it.  Abs exercises are one of the easiest exercises to do at home, which is why I love them!  They don’t require any giant fancy machines.  Plus, its so good to keep your core strong!  Today I’m sharing some of my favorite ab exercises that I do every week and I’ll link all of the tools I use to get them.  I hope you like them and give them a try!

The Yoga Mat

This one is easy… we all need a good, cushioned yoga mat so that our spine doesn’t hurt while we are trying to get our workout on.  I use this one from Lululemon.  I’m getting a second one to take to the park with me while my son is playing, so that I can do a few exercises and get some fresh air at the same time.  Here is a more budget friendly option, and I love the bright red!

The Wheel

This little wheel is one of the toughest devices I have used for my abs!  I get on my knees and get down as though I’m going to do push ups.  Hold it and roll forward and back as far down as you can go, and do this 20 times, if you can.  You may have to work up to that because its deceivingly difficult!  It gives me that nice line straight down the center of my abs and really gets the abdominals popping! I do 4 sets of 20 reps.  You’ll be sweating, I promise!

Side to Side Obliques

This is a great exercise for really defining your obliques.  I grab an 8 pound weight and do side to side crunches.  You can use a medicine ball or a heavier or lighter weight.  This 6 lb. medicine ball is a great starter weight and its under $10!  Or this 10 pounder is a great option too.  Listen to your body and increase when you’re feeling like the weight you’re using doesn’t tire you out as much.  The balls are great for many ab exercises, so I would invest in one of those as well as the dumb bells, which I use for a number of things also.

Planks With Weights

When I used to think about planks, I never realized that they were such a great exercise for your core.  They are so great for very single part of your body and should be incorporated into your workout several times/week.  Keep your core tightened, hold your form, and you’ll start to feel your whole body get shaky after some time.  It’s fun to compete with yourself and try to beat your planking time every week or so.  To get the most out of your planking exercise, have someone set a weight on you back.  I use these weight plates when I do push ups or planks but only for a portion of the time because it can get too heavy after a while.  If 25 pounds is too heavy, start with 5 and then add 10, work your way up!

Bicycle Crunches

I do 25-30 bicycle crunches at a time and do this for 4 sets.  They’re great for your abs and obliques.  They’re one of my favorites!


I had no idea these even existed until I got a trainer.  These kick my butt!  They are so good for strengthening your core and they also work your glutes and thighs too!  I use an exercise ball like this one here.  I love the color of this purple one too.  This exercise takes place in the push up position, so it’s great for your arms too!  I like to watch videos on youtube to make sure that my form is correct.  These are more difficult than they look because you have to keep the giant ball from getting away from you.  Try to do 4 sets of 20.  If its too difficult start at 12 or 15 and increase as your strength increases.  


I have no idea what the official name for this exercise is, but I call it stacking.  This can be done two ways:

ALONE- Stack 7 step risers, like these here, on the left side of you and get into bicycle crunch position with your feet crossed at the ankles.  Grab one step with both hands and stack in on your right side.  Once all 7 steps are on the right side of you, uncross and switch your feet to the other foot on top and stack the steps on the left side of you.  You’re basically doing bicycle crunches but you have a job to do which requires a little more intensity in how far you have to turn your body to the sides.

WITH A PARTNER- For instance, have your partner get in the bicycle crunch position on the left side of you.  Begin with all 7 steps on the left side of your partner.  They will pick up one and pass it to you and you will neatly stack in to your right.  Turn back to them and they will pass you another and the cycle will continue.  Once all of the 7 steps are on your right side, hand them back to your partner and once the set is complete you can rest and start again!  It’s super fun.  I actually look forward to this one.  I enjoy the teamwork.

If you’re confused about any of the exercises, you can check out my Instagram.  I upload videos regularly of the different exercises I try, so you can see how they are done!  You can also check Youtube for videos on how to perform these exercises also!

These exercises have helped me gain back my confidence and it feels so great!  I hope you feel inspired to get your workout on too!  XO

Love Always,


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