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Amazon Fitness Haul – Must Haves!

Hi loves!  It’s been a while since my last post.  I feel so bad about that but honestly, it’s been quite a journey getting everyone settled into our new “stay at home routines”, and now school has started for our three kids so all of a sudden I’m a teacher now!  So far so good, no one has been sent to the principal’s office or gotten expelled. LOL!  First of all, I want to say that I sincerely hope you and your families are staying healthy and happy during these trying times.

It’s been crucial for me to follow a daily schedule and keep my workouts a priority.  I feel a world of difference when I’m exercising VS. when I’m not.  Plus, I’ve got to burn off those wine calories somehow! Let’s dive right into the good stuff!  These are the necessities for working out from home and getting that body right where you want!



 Let’s start with the Bosu Ball.  These are amazing for toning your lower body!



Kettle bells are a must to have on hand, as you can do soooo much with them.  I have a set of 10 lb. and a set of 15 lb. kettle bells so I can do exercises with both arms at the same time and get it over with quicker.


Ankle weights!  I get excited about these puppies.  everyone should have a pair of ankle weights to strap on when they’re working out or simply struttin’ your stuff around the house.



Booty bands rock.  They help add resistance to our lower body workouts and you can use just these little bad boys by themselves and get a great workout.  Booty bands are so simple to pack up and take on a vacation with you too!  These are my favorite because they never roll up mid workout.



We all know there are countless fitness books, but if you were to purchase only one ever, this would be it! That is if you want killer buns.  And I want killer buns.  They happen to look good on everyone.  This book has so much information and photos… it’s really just awesome and I can’t rave about it enough.


Love these resistance bands and I don’t go on a trip without them!


Keep kicking butt and staying motivated.  Thanks for reading!  XO 

Love Always,




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