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My Secrets to Silky Smooth Skin From Head to Toe

Hey friends!  The weather in LA has been so up and down lately.  One day rainy, the next sunny and warm, but always dry. That can take its toll on your skin.  Today I’m sharing my favorite products that I use regularly to keep my skin silky smooth from head to toe!  Some of it may surprise you!

There are 4 major secrets to keeping your skin healthy looking all year ’round.  Exfoliate, hydrate your skin, drink plenty of H2O, and sunscreen!

Click the images below to shop the links!


Every morning after cleansing my face in the shower, I exfoliate with this Microdelivery Exfoliating Facial Wash.  If I’m out of town I use a washcloth but if I’m at home I love to gently exfoliate my skin with this cleanser using my Clarisonic.  It removes all of the rough spots on my skin and leaves it so smooth!  Afterward, I gently towel dry my face and I shave my face.  NOTHING makes my skin feel more flawless!  Your makeup will apply smoother and your dry skin cells are removed which leaves your face feeling like a baby.  Finish off with a moisturizer and you’re ready for the best makeup application of your life!


One of my favorite ways to pamper my skin, is by putting 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil into a warm bath.  Your skin will feel more hydrated when you step out.  (Be careful as it can make the bathtub very slippery when you get out and back in next time)! You can even add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a spa like feel.  Relax while you moisturize!

Once or twice per week I’ll use a great body scrub in the shower to polish my skin.  There’s something refreshing about knowing I’ve removed that layer of dead skin cells from my body.  I feel like a new woman!  And every single time I do, I can’t help but sing that awful song from years ago, “Aint nobody dope as me, I’m just so fresh and, so fresh and so clean, clean.”  I wish I didn’t but my brain refuses to release that one from me!

After my skin is exfoliated and feeling fresh, I will shave my legs and arms to keep everything feeling baby soft.  This is a personal preference, but I really love the way it makes my skin feel!


Last but certainly not least, we all love having soft, smooth heels.  There’s nothing more embarrassing and than having your rough, cracked heels scratching your partners legs in bed every night.  Here’s my secret to smooth heels even when you can’t make it to the nail salon for a while.  Use a small amount of your body polish on your heels and grab a callus remover tool (Scrub your heels gently with it, if it’s really abrasive).  Repeat every day or every other day if you have sensitive skin.  Once your skin is dry, follow up with an intensive repair moisturizer, slip some socks on and let it soak in!


Your skin will look so much healthier and hydrated if you protect it from the sun on a daily basis.  Here are a few of the products I use everyday to protect my skin from the sun.

I wear this CC Cream everyday in place of a foundation, and get a ton of compliments every time.  It has an SPF 50 so I know my face is hiding safe and sound underneath.  It gives a flawless, light, but buildable coverage.  Not to mention how incredible Chanel’s products smell!

I love Supergoop sunscreen and they offer several different options.

Alba also has great sunscreens that I love to use on myself and my kids.

Thanks so much for reading and come back soon!  XO

Love Always,


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