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My Homemade Hydrating Fall Face Mask!

I’m back with a beauty post!  I’ve been wanting to share this homemade face mask ever since I started this blog.  It took a while but I’ve finally gotten around to it.  If you’ve been following along on my Instagram for a while you’ve seen in my stories that I’m kind of obsessed with face masks.  It’s my favorite thing to do while I wind down at night.

I love using natural products whenever I can and this face mask is all natural.  The best part is that you can whip it up in the kitchen in just a minute and you’re ready for a nourishing face mask!  The reason I’ve been wanting to share this so badly is that it truly leaves my skin feeling so smooth, hydrated and refreshed.  I can’t deny the amazing results!

Since it’s my favorite season and I am obsessed with Fall scents, I add a little cinnamon into this to make it feel extra festive.  You can omit that part of you’re not a fan of cinnamon. However, cinnamon offers some benefits to your skin as well, which I will list below.

Homemade Fall face mask!

There are only 3 simple, yet super effective, ingredients in this mask.

1/3 cup raw organic honey (I use this one here)

2-3 tablespoons sugar (I use a finer sugar because my skin is too sensitive for the coarse sugar).  I get mine at the local grocery store.

3 shakes of cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together.  Remove makeup and products from your face.  I begin this process by removing my waterproof eye makeup as well as the makeup from my entire face with coconut oil.  I use an organic unrefined coconut oil like this one here.  (You can remove makeup with coconut oil and then wash it with a gentle face wash after, if you’d like).  Tie your hair back so it doesn’t get sticky from the mask.  I use a small beauty spatula or you can use your fingers to apply the mask all over your neck and face.  Leave on for about 10 minutes and then rinse off.  As you’re rinsing use the sugar to gently scrub and remove dead skin cells.

This smells so good that you’ll want to eat it… and you can 😉.  I use these Muslin cloths to wash the mask off because they’re so smooth and gentle.

Skincare Benefits

What makes these ingredients so special?  I’ll explain.


  • Incredibly hydrating and soothing, which is great for this dry weather.
  • Unpasteurized, raw honey contains healthy bacteria which can help balance out the skin and aid in calming eczema or rashes
  • Reduces inflammation and redness in the skin
  • It contains exfoliating properties
  • Naturally antimicrobial which helps keep skin clear and acne free
  • Contains antioxidants

There are even more benefits than what I listed.  Honey is truly a gem and shouldn’t be underestimated in your skincare routine!


  • Contains antibacterial properties which help fight bacteria and keep skin clear.
  • Has skin lightening properties which may help reduce scars or dark spots

Not to mention it’s naturally warm and delicious scent!


  • Exfoliating
  • Glycolic and alpha-hydroxy acid can help balance out the skin and keep it from getting too dry.
  • Natural humectant which helps unclog pores
  • Great for gently removing dead/dry skin cells from sensitive areas such as lips also!

You can make extra for later in the week and save it in these glass jars that I linked below!  There are so many wonderful reasons that this mask works.  Do you have a homemade mask you love?  I’d love to hear about it!

Love Always,


*Always remember to patch test an area of skin when applying a new mask to check for sensitivities or allergies.





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