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Guys and gals, I have some great diet tips for you to kickstart your summer 2020 beach bod!  Before we know it summer will be here and now is the time to start dieting and toning your body.  It takes months to get in tip top shape, so there’s no better time than the present!  The most common questions I receive are about my diet.  Today I’m sharing my 9 dieting tips that will help you stay on track and achieve your fitness goals.  Why, because you deserve it.  It’s that simple.

My biggest pet peeve in life is when people say “I wish”.  I wish I could look like that, I wish I had the discipline, I wish, I wish, I wish.  The only thing standing in your way is you!  If you want it, get it!  Trust me, I know it’s hard to exercise.  It hurts, it’s uncomfortable, it’s sweaty and it’s time consuming.  However, it’s so very rewarding and transformative.  I have never felt so strong mentally as I do now that I’m getting stronger physically.  These tips may sound simple and that’s just it… THEY ARE!  And with consistency, they become a part of your life and they’re even easier to continuously apply to your everyday routine.


This tip is key.  Many people are consuming a large number of their calories through drinks such as sodas, fancy, heavy coffees and excessive alcohol.  I stick to a little fruit juice with breakfast and flavored soda waters.  Alcohol in moderation, meaning no more than once or twice a week.


When you start your day off getting the proper nutrition, you will be less likely to eat a junky snack later.  I believe it sets you up for making healthier meal choices at your next meals too.  Try an oatmeal with protein powder, hard boiled eggs with Ezekiel toast and a side of fruit, or my Protein Pancake recipe that I make weekly.


Most of the time we make unhealthy meal choices when we are in a rush and don’t have the time to make something healthy.  If you meal prep you’re guaranteeing that you will have healthy, well balanced options on hand right when you need them.


This may sound silly but every time I am about to eat a few of my son’s goldfish, or a handful of fries or a delicious cookie, I ask myself if it’s worth it or not.  It gives me an extra second to reflect on my choice.  Nine times out of ten when I ask myself worth it/not worth it, it isn’t worth it.  I imagine how my booty used to look when I ate this junk all the time and I instantly remember how unhappy I was with my body.  I’ve literally even spit the candy out in the trash because I instantly regret my decision to eat it!


I LOVE positive affirmations!  Write out a few self love notes and stick them on your mirrors.  This way, when you see yourself in the mirror and you’re picking your body apart, the love notes will remind you why you deserve to get in shape and get your dream body!  I wrote a few examples above of the motivational notes you can write to yourself.  


If you know you’re going to a social event with snacky foods and yummy appetizers, fill yourself up with something healthy before you go!  


We often mistake thirst for hunger.  Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day to keep you from snacking as much.  


We are all human and we love to snack!  Make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks on hand.  If you don’t have the potato chips in your pantry, you won’t eat them.  Keep your home stocked with Beef Jerky, hummus and veggies, small portions of guacamole, protein bars, popcorn and other healthy snack options… and make sure to monitor your portions!  


Don’t do a whole cheat day.  Reward yourself with a cheat meal once or twice a week depending on your goals.  


Thanks for reading!  XO

Love Always,


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