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Why I Took a Break From Blogging

Hey friends!  It feels so good to be back on my blog after taking an entire month off!  I know I took a very long break so I wanted to hop on here and explain why.  Towards the end of 2019 I was feeling really overwhelmed and stressed… like my life was kind of a cluster.  As you probably know, I’ve been focusing A LOT on my IFBB competition training.  Between that, my piano studies, the end of the year commitments that my children have and spending time with family, something had to give.  I didn’t feel like I was doing a great job at anything because I was being pulled in so many directions.  I wanted to take some time and just prioritize my life and all of the tasks I was attempting to juggle.

I am totally on board with making new years resolutions because I love to follow through with mine!  I think it’s wonderful to start off the year with positive goals and a clear purpose.  It’s also great to begin with a fresh start.  One of my resolutions this year is to be better at time management.  It’s important to create an obtainable schedule and have structure in order to be more productive.  I’m happy to say I’m back and I’ll be blogging once or twice a week.

I can’t thank you all enough for following along and supporting me.  It’s a huge blessing to be able to do what I love and to share it with others.  I hope in 2020 I can spread some love and inspiration, and send some motivation your way.  Be well and love yourself!  XO

Love Always,



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